41 Reasons

Where do I begin... where to I start from ? ... that is the questions that a few weeks ago every person has been asking themselves.  Our lives , our world had been rocked since September 20, 2017.  We all have been affected by that day, Maria came with fury and shook our normal every day life.  Many people lost their lives, their homes, their jobs , their security.  Every day was a struggle and it is still for most.  The uncertainty of the future is still a  blur.   Maria provided us with life lessons that we will never forget , she forced us to look into our lives and make decisions that otherwise we would not have to.   

Many people for whatever reasons decided to pack up and leave in search of a better life. Others decided to rough it up and stay... why ?  Because we have hope . Hope that things will get better.  Maria has brought people together, strangers helping each other, feeding each other , many communities have come together and made efforts to rebuild because they know it is up to them to  raise up.  

It is not easy specially when everyday you know someone is leaving , a business is closing its doors,  you come home and still don't have the basic services to continue to your every day life.  Are we victims of a modern life ? First world problems?,  it is obvious we are not first world.  Yes, it is difficult but Maria gave us the joy of simple moments...  taking a bath with the hose, seen children play on the street, every night was game night , meaningful talks , listening to the radio.   Do we look at the positives instead of the negatives ?  We have to in order to survive , in order to stay focus in our  dreams.  

Those who stayed have been busy.. busy helping others , busy rebuilding , cleaning , feeding those in need.. keeping your child life as normal as possible amidst the destruction and the lack of basic services. 

I can only write from my reality and my experience and while I know and it breaks my heart to see so  many suffering , I know we all have been affected in some level or another and I have believe we will OVERCOME , things will get back to normal.  We where in our home without power for 41 days.  Forty one days of frustrations, of getting angry and having to deal with it.  Of know there are others who lost everything.   

Forty one days of no electricity provided me with Forty One reasons to stay focus , forty one reasons to stay and hope and know this too shall pass.    Forty one beautiful weddings and boudoir sessions ,  forty one reasons to love and fall in love again  with my craft and to know there is a reason far beyond my comprehension that we went trough this experience. 



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